Mark hit me up with an idea the other day. He then sent me an email and I find the whole idea intriguing with a couple of very minor changes that Mark and I discussed over the phone. Here's what he has come up with. He's out on the road today and asked me if I would mind posting this.
To all the ladies and gentlemen out there who are, or would be, table shooters I would like to propose for your consideration the following:
The table shooting game has been underway for the better part of two years now and appears to have gained a respectable following with members scattered across the country. Feedback has suggested that many of our members have had a difficult time finding other enthusiasts in their neck of the woods or are not able, for various reasons, to get to one of the several shoots that are taking place. With that in mind I am proposing that we undertake a POSTAL TABLE SHOOT that would enable our members, and guests, to participate from wherever they may be. As is the case at local shoots, there would be a fee to participate and the first four places would be rewarded with a percentage of the proceeds with the balance of the proceeds being sent to a charitable organization such as, but not limited to; Cancer Society, Leukemia Foundation, Heart Fund etc.
I see the program being comprised of three matches to be held between March and October. Each match will be announced along with a deadline date for entries to be postmarked by. Targets will be available on line to be printed off. Entries will be accompanied by a signed note including the name, address and email of the shooter as well as the caliber and fee (to be determined). All entries will be mailed to one person for scoring.
Shooting will be done on the same basis and using the rules, as posted under the How to sec. in table shoots forum regarding equipment, distance etc. Remember, this is a game and all shooters will be doing so on the honor system.
Winners will be determined by their aggregate string of six shots.
The preceding is very broad in scope and subject to change as required or suggested by you the shooters. I would like to get two things from you; first an idea of what kind of interest there may be in this program and second any suggestions you may have given the basic idea I have outlined.
I think i can get some folks up here in michigan to take part .sounds like a good idea and cheaper than driving three hundred plus miles to a shoot.
I would be interested in this I will say that I have been involved with several postal shoots over the years and it's hard to keep the interest going over any length of time. The best run matches that I have been involved with are run by the Cast Bullet Association and I have worked with them a bit mostly in setting up some matches and also scoring. If you like give me a call evenings would be best and if you don't have my number let me know and I will PM it to you.
Sounds like a great way to promote the table shooting.
I have participated in a couple of other postal shoots and enjoyed them!