Hello, I'm Jack and just found and signed into this group. I really like target shooting blackpowder and the thoughts of this group being here excites me. Maybe I can pick up on some good secrets to help my offhand a little, or maybe a lot, I've got a lot of room. Whatever, I just wanted to say hello and invite you to my club in Michigan if you ever get a chance. Its convieniently called the Manistee Muzzleloaders Clan and we hold a Yearly Rendezvous the end of June. I don't have a actual date for event yet. But we'd be glad to have you join us if you ever make it up this way.
Thanks and bullseyes to you,
Jack Lee
Welcome aboard!!!
Thanks Moody and welcome aboard to you.
Great place. Been there several times.
Hello Jack!
I've never been farther north than Ft. Ripley MN but would like to look around up that way some day.
Ask lots of questions! This group is full of helpful information if they would just turn loose and let it go.
Thanks for the bullseyes, the way I shot the last time out, I can stand a few!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway!
Hi Jack and welcome to the site. I think you'll get some good information here, just ask the questions.look forward to hearing from you.