We had a really nice day for a table shoot. It was overcast all day, very little breeze and in the upper 70's.
There were 8 shooters, 7 from Kentucky and 1 from West Virginia.
The results are:
1. Steve Brown. 4.012"
2. Bobby Grimm 4.065"
3. Carl King. 4.276"
4. Sterling Martin. 4.309"
5. Don Ross. 4.361"
Walt Rybka, Don M.and Bo Courtney were the other shooters.
Best X of the match went to Don Ross wit a 0.059". That's 2 shoots in a row that Don has had the best X. Sterling Martin came close with a 0.068" on the last target of the day.
Thanks to Dennis Winburn and John Jane for running the shoot scoring the targets and bringing the beans, cornbread and brownies.
The next table shoot that I know of is July 12th over at Round Bottom in West Virginia. Starts at 11:00 am so hope to see everybody there. Don Ross posted a shoot announcement on this forum a couple of weeks ago.