Oh what a beautiful day in the foothills of the Appalachcians for a table shoot. Sunny with a light breeze in the mid 50's.
12 shooters signed in and the top 5 strings are:
1. Carl King - 2.749"
2. Bob Grim - 2.808 "
3. Bo Courtney - 3.902"
4. Sterling Martin - 4.517"
5. Steve Brown - 5.077"
The best X was 0.036" - Steve Brown.
Congratulations guys, great shooting.
If you add up the first place scores for the 10 matches the string would be 1.339". That's some very fine shooting!!
Thanks to Dennis Human for being the range officer and keeping everything going smoothly and safely while he shot his targets.
Thanks to Dennis Winburn and John Jayne for doing the scoring, entering all of the numbers to determine the winners and the payout and for providing the beans and cornbread and the brownies that were enjoyed by all.
Most of all a big thanks to the 12 shooters that came to compete, to enjoy the fellowship and the food.
Looks like it was a great shoot,good people and good food.If the strings get any shorter looks like
to win a match you will have to have a dead center x.
Probably good thing I couldn't make it to the shoot. I don't mind getting beat but man that would have been real bad whooping!! LOL great shooting guys!
I feel about the same way. I don't mind being beat but that was some awesome scores for a 10 shot match. Congratulations guys!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway
Looks to me like you Kentucky boys have been doing some practicing. Great shooting on everyone's part.
Thank you for all of the kind comments about our shoot and the scores.
We are a group of chunk gun and old off hand shooters who are really enjoying this new competition.
I can not tell a lie, we(Bo Courtney, Dan Bates and myself) try to shoot 10-15 shots off the table every Tuesday. We have all pretty much settled on one rifle and one powder,patch and ball combination and one sighter so now we shoot to try and improve on our hold,breathing,trigger pull to be as consistent as we can.The balls and the powder charges are all weighed so the only detrement to shooting all spiders is the shooter himself. So practce does help for sure and a little luck doesn't hurt either.
All of us are retired too so that helps with the practice time!!
It's nice to have an activity that even though you are 70 years plus you can sill participate in and be competitive in and enjoy and share with so many other fine folks.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Keep shooting,
Last edited by cking (4/30/2018 12:37 PM)