Had a good shoot Sunday, 8 shooters showed up, got off to a cold start in the mid 20's with a light breeze but it stayed sunny all day so the match finished up in the low 40's.
Shot for match money, no string measurement. Bill Disbro was the big winner for the day with 3 or 4 firsts and a handfull of seconds and thirds. Bill also had the best X but I'm not sure of the distance.
Mitch Warner did a fine job as range officer and kept things moving along in an orderly and timely manner so we weren't out in the cold any longer than need be.
As always there was some fine food and desserts to enjoy after the match.
I got lucky and won a couple of matches and placed second in a third match. Competition was keen for every match.
Was good to see everyone, had a good time. Thanks to all that made it happen, all that came to shoot and to the ladies for the fine food.
Thanks for the report. Always interesting in seeing how others do things.
I wish I could get 8 shooters out at our shoot. So far only 4 and the same 4 most of the time.
Our new agenda will be for match money also. We were shooting for short string and paying back 3 places but I for one would rather shoot for each match. Would you mind telling me how they run rhe match and what they are charging? I'm getting ready to sit up a match if we can get winter over. Last week it was 67º one day then about 3/4" snow 2 days later. Looks like the same thing this coming week but maybe a little longer warm spell than last week.
Congratulations on your winnings. The completion here is pretty tight also but that's makes the others "knuckle down" as they say! Glad you had a good time and good food goes a long way too!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway.
Big John,
The weather must be the same all over. We have been very wet with wide swings in temperature about like your weather it sounds.
The table matches here are usually $20 entry fee. We shoot 3 shots for sighter then 10 - 1 shot matches.Payback is usually 70% with 30% going to cover the targets and the rest to the club or group holding the shoot. Most everywhere we shoot here usually has some food and drinks for the shooters and the folks running the shoot. The 30% helps pay for that.
Match money shoots usually pay out for top 3 places for each match and for the best X overall. Some shoots will list the shooters strings and recognize the top 3 strings and may or may not pay out a little money.
Most table shoots here will have anywhere from 6 to 12 shooters. I shoot table up in southeast Indiana, east Kentucky and far west in West Virginia and it's much the same everywhere.
The shoot I was at Sunday was a match money shoot and they only measured the closest looking shots for each match so if you weren't in there real close you didn't get a measurement for that target. A few of us gather our targets up after the shoot and take them home and measure them to get our string just to see how we are doing overall.
Sure do love this table shooting, being almost 70 my offhand shooting is not what it used to be but I can still be competetive on the table. Wish it wasn't so far to the west side of Missouri, I would like to come out and shoot with y'all.
Hope all this gives you some idea of what we do over here on the east side of the big river.
Looks like I missed a good shoot should make it in May.
It was a good shoot. Good group of fellows showed up to shoot.
I think the early morning cold kept some folks away. It ended up being a pretty decent day after all.
Look forward to seeing you in May.
***The table matches here are usually $20 entry fee. We shoot 3 shots for sighter then 10 - 1 shot matches.Payback is usually 70% with 30% going to cover the targets and the rest to the club or group holding the shoot. Most everywhere we shoot here usually has some food and drinks for the shooters and the folks running the shoot. The 30% helps pay for that. Match money shoots usually pay out for top 3 places for each match and for the best X overall. Some shoots will list the shooters strings and recognize the top 3 strings and may or may not pay out a little money.***
Thanks for the information. We weren't charging that much but we want to make a little money to help with the land payment. Our club was forced into buying the range land (80 acres) or fold up. We've been there since 1968.
***A few of us gather our targets up after the shoot and take them home and measure them to get our string just to see how we are doing overall. ***
I always liked to do the same, just to keep track of things and how to improve on my shooting. Sure brings a lot of "what the world went wrong here"!
***Sure do love this table shooting, being almost 70 my offhand shooting is not what it used to be but I can still be competitive on the table. Wish it wasn't so far to the west side of Missouri, I would like to come out and shoot with y'all.
Hope all this gives you some idea of what we do over here on the east side of the big river. Carl ***
This table shooting is keeping me in the game also. I'll be 75 this year and with health problems and knee problems it is almost impossible for me to walk the off-hand ranges anymore.
It's not as far to my club as you think. we're just 120 miles west of St. Louis at the 137 mile marker if you look at a map of I-70 across the state. Richards club is about another 100 miles but worth the drive! Kentucky is an adjacent state you know! (haha). Thanks for the ideas and information. It's always great to share and maybe learn something!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway.
Big John,
Glad to be of service, I don't know much but I will gladly share what little I do. Hope it helps out.
I know that St. Louis is 5 hours from my house so another 120 miles makes for a 7 hour drive, long way to go for 13 shots but I have been known to do some crazy things.🤗🤗
If you have a shoot schedule, please post it. I'll check my schedule.😁😁
Take care and shoot straight.
Last edited by cking (4/11/2018 6:40 PM)
Good evening Carl!
Your thoughts and how things were run has helped. I discussed the possibility of having a shoot sometime in May, just don't know the exact date right now. When talking with Richard this morning he said the participation at his club had fell off to almost nill. Can't figure out why.
What's your thoughts of having a shoot during the week? Almost all the table shooters around here are retired and really busy on weekends with other shoots. Both shoots I had in the past were this away, but talking with the shooters that was alright.
5 hours to St. Louis and then another 2 hours to here? I used to own a truck like that! (big grin and ribbing' you!) I know it's a long way and their talking about fuel going up this summer as high as 15% more, Beats me!
We have a club house with kitchen facilities and indoor plumbing. Sleeping would only require a sleeping bag and a few could stay there. As far as the 13 shots, bring more powder and balls. We can shoot from 25 out to 300 yards, also have off-hand clangers of various shapes and distances hanging in the woods just across the creek. There could be several matches scheduled if we wanted. I'll try to let everyone know as soon as a date is finalized.
Thanks for all your help!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway.
Big John,
Like your group we are all retired folks also. A mid week shoot would be a possibility I would think.
The idea of bunking up in the club house would certainly make it a much more affordable trip and if I can talk a couple of guys that shoot with me into going it would make the gas bill much better.
We usually table shoot here at my place on Tuesdays and I will talk to them about a possible trip.
Will keep in touch.