An open letter to the board of directors and the general membership of the national muzzle loading rifle Association.
I expected at this time to be writing my resignation as the head line officer of the chunk table youth and running boar line. However, that opportunity was not afforded to me as I found out that I had been replaced by a telephone call from my replacement. With the preceding in mind I have decided to write an open letter to all of you to expose what I believe are unethical decisions on the part of our association president. As many of you know my son is disabled and at the time was working for the national muzzle loading rifle Association. Shortly after his election, by the board of directors, the incoming, and current, president of the national muzzle loading rifle Association fired my son from his employment through the then managing director. Several things seemed askew about this firing and I therefore met with the executive committee of the Board of Directors to explain to them that I felt that this was an incorrect decision and if they continued on this course that the Americans with disabilities organization may become involved. For those of you who do not understand this organization, it is a governmental organization within the Department of Justice. Shortly after this discussion his employment was reinstated.
Unethical action number two that I’m aware of was the replacement of the primitive range officer without notification being given to the chief range officer of the national muzzle loading rifle Association prior to the action. It is my understanding that all Range officers work for and at the discretion of the chief range officer.
Unethical act number 3 was the cancellation, without the knowledge of the board of directors, a scheduled program by the Freemasons of the state of Indiana. This event had been scheduled and planned with the open knowledge of the event by the general membership, by a member in good standing of the NMLRA and was to pay honor to the raising of two members in good standing of the NMLRA to full Freemasonry status. This cancellation took place on the Tuesday prior to the Thursday event and had been scheduled since the prior September. Without notice or consultation with anyone involved with the event the president of the Board of Directors merely canceled saying and “if we allow this we would have to allow the Ku Klux Klan” access to our grounds. Upon hearing, this I mentioned it to a brother Mason who became very disturbed. Shortly thereafter John Campbell, a member of the national muzzle loading rifle Association Board of Directors, parked his truck in the range that I was operating. I approached him in a gentlemanly fashion and asked him if he believed this to be a correct action on the president’s par and the, as I expected, agreed with the president. I made the statement, that I would be expecting to take this before the full board of directors. Sometime later most likely one to two hours, I received a visit from a very agitated president and the secretary of the national muzzle loading rifle Association’s Board of Directors. The president was very unprofessional raising his voice and claiming that I had no right to do what I had done, he did this in an open public forum where many of the shooters and bystanders could tell that there was a disagreement taking place. Both left in a hurry, in my opinion exceeding the speed limit of the grounds, and some 30 to 45 minutes later returned with a group, or should I say gang, of individuals consisting of the president, secretary, vice president, treasurer and two members of the board being John Temple and Edina cloud. The president was so boisterous that the range officer I had left in charge of the range was forced to come out and asks us to move it farther away because there were once again shooters and bystanders that were being disturbed. The president brought board member John Campbell forward to speak to me and immediately took a physically threatening posture as if he desired to have a fight. Being a gentleman I did not wish to have an altercation that would embarrass the Association. A rather one-sided discussion ensued at the end of which I was invited to leave the Association. Further, I was told “if I didn’t like the way the president was doing things that I could leave and not to let the gates hit me where the good Lord split me”.
Recently chief range officer Jerry Middendorf was forced to dismiss me as the head line officer of the chunk, table, youth and running boar line without explanation as to why I was being replaced. To the best of my knowledge, during my tenure as line officer, there have been no infractions of NMLRA rules that have not been corrected and no safety measures have been undermined which would certainly have led to an earlier dismissal. As stated earlier, I became aware of my dismissal only after receiving a phone call from my replacement, whom I am led to believe was placed in this position by the association president as opposed to being selected by the chief range officer.
I feel that the actions above are very unethical and even childlike and I was unaware that my First Amendment rights should have been checked at the gate. I was also unaware that we no longer had a president but had moved into having someone who acted unilaterally as a monarch. I am therefore requesting that an ethics investigation be conducted on the president, secretary, vice president and board member John Campbell to determine if their actions meet the guidelines if the NMLRA charter and by laws. I found their actions to be personally embarrassing as well as embarrassing to the Association.
I feel that over the past several years that I have gone above and beyond the call of duty for the Association. I feel that these actions by the president and the executive board, were taken because of personal differences and dislikes and the fact that I would not yield to the president’s pleasure in his desire to act as a unilateral monarch.
Based on the preceding incidents and the hope that the board of directors will follow the guidelines set forth in the NMLRA’s charter and by laws, I will look forward to your early response.
Robin Warner
cc: NMLRA B.O.D.
General membership
I strongly urge everyone to support Robin on this issue. Not because he is a friend but because of the issue at hand and the fact that infections continue to grow if they are not addressed. The NMLRA belongs to all the members and the officers and board work for us.
I would also urge everyone taking an interest in this matter to contact both Robin, and any board member, to discuss the matter and form a fair and honest opinion before taking a stand or passing judgement.
Last edited by smokinbuck (8/24/2017 7:49 AM)
I am saddened
As my last post on this forum, I would like to let everyone know that I fully welcome an investigation into the alleged misconduct of myself and my fellow directors as stated in Robin's one sided, hyperbolic claims.
Colton Fleetwood, NMLRA Secretary
I was on the chunk line at the time of the encounter with the president and the subsequent arrival of two cartloads of officers and board members. As far as I was aware of events, Robin's description seems reasonable, although I was some distance away and occupied so that I did not see or hear anything specific firsthand that I remember in particular beyond the most general outline.
As far as I know, the disputes did not involve any matter of range safety, so at best the board handled the matter poorly in not employing discretion. It did seem like there was an attempt to intimidate and possibly publicly humiliate. Given my understanding of the points of contention, a private meeting would have seemed a more appropriate forum, and there really seemed to be no urgency inherent in the matter. I do realize, however, that the board and officers are not professionals or even necessarily experienced in such settings and positions, so I won't impugn their motivations out of hand. If they acted with good intentions, then maybe they will learn something useful in their future endeavors.
Either way, I don't see what harm could come of an investigation and hearing.
As most of you on this forum,I have seen and read Robin's letter to the NMLRA President and Board.
I was not on the grounds when all of this took place so I can not validate the contents of the letter.
I can say however that I have known Robin for the last 4+ years through our contact at many table shoots in Indiana and elsewhere. I have always found him to be dedicated to the black powder shooting sport and a man who has dedicated a great deal of time and energy to get table shooting up and going and people involved. At all of the table shoots I have attended he has always been cordial and fair in the running of the event.
The statements made in the letter are serious and certainly need to be addressed.
I hope that an independant ethics committee can be formed and the matters at hand investigated thoroughly and the membership can see the results. We the membership need to know yae or nay that our President and Board are working professionaly and within the guidelines of the by-laws for the betterment of our NMLRA.
NMLRA Member #124336
Last edited by cking (8/25/2017 4:59 PM)
It really saddens me to see this kind of politics and personality clashes in our organization. After the inline controversy, we don't need more friction in an already declining membership.
I hope this can be brought into the open and settled.
Wouldn't this be an excellent site where both sides can opine ? ?
This is a site where that can happen as both the originator of the string and the administrator of the site I welcome both sides. When only one side is allowed to give opinion. All of the true facts may not necessarily surface because we as humans tend to see things from our side of the Court. If you have an opinion opposing mine please post it there will be no, retaliation from the administrators or moderators of this site unless you attack the person's character without just cause
A friend and fellow member of the association. Ask a reasonable favor of me, I therefore wish to make it perfectly clear that my original Post in this string. Is not intended and anyway to slander the association as a whole. I believe that the association is still a good Association and deserves our support. The letter above was intended to expose the actions of only a very mynute number of its member. I therefore ask you to read the letter in that context.
If you remember we had a discussion sitting on a bench in front of the pistol shack. You have my contact info in your phone now. Let me know if you need anything from me. Always ready to help a brother.
For those of you who are not familiar with the NMLRA ethics statement, I have copied it from the website for your viewing.
Code of Ethics
Each Member Shall Endeavor to:
[*]Respect the authority and follow the directive of the Board of Directors, and Rules and Regulations of the NMLRA recognizing at all times that each member is an extension of the Association;
[*]Respect the civil and legal rights of all members;
[*]Serve each task with the good of the Association in mind, with no purpose of personal gain;
[*]Encourage relationships with associates of such character to promote mutual respect within the black powder shooting sports environment and improvement of its quality of service;
[*]Respect the importance of all elements of black powder shooting sports and cultivate a professional cooperation with each segment;
[*]Share information with the public with openness and candor;
[*]Be diligent in his/her responsibility to record and make available for review any and all information which could contribute to sound decisions affecting the Association or the public safety;
[*]Report without reservation any corrupt or unethical behavior which could affect either a member or the integrity of the NMLRA;
[*]Maintain the integrity of private information;
[*]Clearly distinguish between those public statements that are personal views and those that are statements and positions on behalf of the NMLRA;
[*]Not discriminate against any member, prospective member, or employee on the basis of race, sex, creed, or national origin.
Members In Positions of Trust Shall Not:
[*]Use official position to secure privileges or advantages;
[*]Make statements critical of members or their committees unless these are constructive in purpose;
[*]Permit personal interest to impair in the least degree the objectivity which is to be maintained in their official capacity;
[*]Use official position to promote any partisan political purposes;
[*]Accept any gift or favor of a nature which implies an obligation that is inconsistent with the free and objective exercise of responsibilities;
[*]Make all appointments, promotions or dismissals only on the basis of merit and not in furtherance of partisan political or personal interest.
Enforcement Procedures:
[*]The Parliamentarian or other officer appointed by the President will investigate reports of violations of the code of ethics. A written report with the results of the investigation shall be given to the Secretary and the member accused of the violation of the code of ethics. Any discrepancy will be resolved as specified in the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order;
[*]The Board of Directors shall make any appropriate disposition including, but not limited to, dismissal of the charges, discipline, or termination of membership;
[*]All members shall be subject to the Code of Ethics, as adopted by the Board of Directors.
[*]The By-Laws of the Association shall supersede the code of ethics if any conflict between them occurs.