Had a pretty decent turnout 10 shooters Carl King prove to be the king of the day Bill disbro put on a respectable showing and Dave Collier did very well for 3td Steve Buck walked away with the best X at .077 we shop for match money so there was no string measurements.
Thanks to Allan, Robin and Leonard for putting on a nice shoot and thanks to the ladies in the kitchen that put on an excellent lunch with very tasty desserts after the shoot.
Was a nice warm, humid, mostly sunny day with a very light breeze from time to time. Perfect day to get out for a table shoot.
Was glad to see several new faces (to me) at the shoot. Was a good bunch of guys to shoot with. There were some very good targets turned in through out the day. In one match, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were all spiders.
I did add up my targets after I got home and I shot a 2.787" string. I know Bill Disbro was just barely over 3" and Dave Collier was hot on our heels.
Thanks to all,
Sorry I couldn't make it over, sounds like it was not only the weather that was hot. Look forward to seeing everyone ASAP.
MMprwarner wrote:
Had a pretty decent turnout 10 shooters Carl King prove to be the king of the day Bill disbro put on a respectable showing and Dave Collier did very well for 3td Steve Buck walked away with the best X at .077 we shop for match money so there was no string measurements.
Are you guys shooting the tightest X on each shot? What we do and it has turned out pretty good for us is to when we start the match I have three three tin cups each shooters puts a quarter in each cup, one cup is marked for the tightest X of each match, the next is the tightest X overall for the day, and the last is the shortest string. When the match starts I move the last two off to the side and as each target is shot the tightest X gets the quarters then everybody that wants to play puts a quarter in that cup and we do it again ten times. Sometimes I'm measuring two or three targets to get the closest shot for that match it does get competitive! After all ten targets are fired we add up the the measurements for the shortest string and also the tightest X overall for the day. The worst that you can do is lose $3 and anyone can drop at anytime they like if a guy wins a couple of pots or more then they have pocket full of quarters for the next match or whatever. I hope that this makes sense? Works for us!
What you are describing has been going on since forever. Just not as formally.