As always, thanks for everyone that took the time to come and shoot with us. I had a scheduling conflict, so don't have as much detail as usual, but wanted to report what I can. Jeanette and Steve ran the shoot and did the scoring and Steve's wife Carolyn oversaw the food, so I'm sure it was an excellent shoot and no one went away hungry!
8 shooters participated and the top 3 were:
Bob R. 2.43
Archie H. 2.94
Harold M. 3.94
It is Bob R's first time at the top of my list and I think he did it in a spectacular fashion! Archie H.'s string is a winner, too.
Bob R. completed his tour of domination with a best X of 0.0270 (for a silver dollar!), placing 1st(4x), 2nd(4x) or 3rd(1x) in 9 matches. Archie H. was giving him a run for his money with 3x 1sts and 4x seconds, plus an X that was only a couple hundreths off the best X.
Our next scheduled table match is August 5, hope to see you all there. Feedback welcome as always!