Update on the monthly club team score system. We shoot our last yearly club matches last Sunday. We did this twice now. Both times, shooters in the middle of list won. One person has now won twice. We think this is going to be a positive thing, it is a little confusing. I wrote a section into our registration and scoring program to calculate and report the results.
Our club is huge {maybe to big}, there are 10 different ranges and all are booked up just about every weekend. Our muzzle loading range has been there since the late 50's or early 60's but the action shooting sports people are trying to take it away from us. It is getting harder to keep it since they have 60+ shooters at every monthly club shoot and we have just a handful. We have been holding "New Shooter" introductions and have just purchased a couple of rifles with full shooting kits for loaners to anyone wanting to learn the basics.
We lost our NMLRA charter club status a few years ago but are going to get it back and hope to start doing state or regional shoots again. A couple of us will be setting up at local gun shows to play show and tell also.
If anyone is close enough to attend we have the silhouette shoot the 1st Sat of the month, the traditional match is the 3rd Sun, and the new shooter match is the 5th Sun on months that have one.
Just joined today guys and saw this topic.Our local club has actually been going thru a growth spurt. At one time years ago we had 50-60 members but declined a bunch during the 90s and early 2000s. Folks with growing families, jobs etc but now most of those are coming back. We're back up to about 25 members now ( 6 or 7 of us kept it going thru the lean times)and most come every month. Kids ? There's where we are shining. Not at all unusual to have 7-8 kids and 15 adults for a monthly shoot.We shoot our big woodswalk every other month and the other monthly is paper targets.People need that instant gratification of steel targets.We just had our big 80 shot woodswalk a couple weeks ago over two days. Turnout was HUGE. I know we are close to Friendship but even that , almost all of our folks shoot in some discipline at the two National Shoots including the kids. That's all I can add to the topic but things at Fish Creek Longrifles are looking good. Thanks for the membership here too BTW. Tim Hamblen
Hi Tim
That is really exciting! You shoot 80 rounds? Can you tell us about it? We are all looking for something to liven things up.
Jim C
It was 40 shots on Saturday and 40 on Sunday. We have lots of steel clangers and resettable targets and we added card split, axe split, lollipops , marshmallows on shish kabob skewers,balloons , we had a "indian head brave made from cardboard with turkey feathers in his headdress (shoot the turkey feather in two) rubber bands, golf balls on a T (shoot ball then the T) charcoal briquettes, and shoot thru a hole in cardboard without hitting the cardboard.
Sounds like fun! If I were a bit closer I'd try to make it up there. Really enjoy hearing about the kids, if there is any future it will be in getting them active.