Can someone please post a picture of a table shoot target. I have seen photos of the tables and the rests, but targets themselves - no. Do people use a sighter that is in a different place than the center of the target? Why 30 yds?
Michael Jay
yes as soon as I can I'll post some pictures targets I just got back from friendship need to get unpacked I'll try to get to it later this evening I've got to be on the site doing some other stuff I'm working from my phone at the moment as soon as I get to a laptop will get back to that.
Mike's photos show you a variety of spotters. Just a guess, but I imagine the circular targets are used by post-and-bead shooters and the squares are for the blade sight folks. You can see that the point of ball impact is away from the aiming point to keep from altering the sight picture from shot to shot.
Mike, do you have any shots of the scoring targets and how those get attached? And maybe a short explanation of how they are scored and how many shots for sighting in and how many for score? Assume stupidity, at least on my part.
Just one shot per scoring target? Everybody shoots one, then you go change it and post another?
Distance from the x is the score? Limits on the guns?
Seems intriguing,
Thanks, That is good info. I will get something set up for our club shoot in Aug or Sept and report on our success or failure whichever comes first!
Michael Jay
Yes, one shot per target with 10 targets comprising the entire match. Three practice rounds are allowed to establish your group location. Scoreing is from the center of the X to the center of the bullet hole with a compilation of all ten distances creating your string measure..The limit on the rifles is 13#, unloaded, with rear peeps being allowed and your choice of front sights with the exception of apertures.
Are the spiderwebs for sale, or do we have to make our own?
By the way, if we pilgrims get a few more questions answered, and admin can figure out how to make this a sticky thread, this would/will serve as an intro to table shooting.
...and maybe someone can tell us how you go about measuring those raggedy holes to the nearest thousandth, especially when there are various calibers, complicated by one .40 shooter using .395 balls, another using .398, and another slinging .390's!!!
NMLRA sells these "center targets," which I expect are for chunk shooting, but would work fine for table too, right?
Generally for the scoreing process we are using the NMLRA scoreing ring template. I am not aware of anyone using as finite a scoring process as you are suggesting. There obviously would be a difference but I think I'm not sure it would be appreciable enough to make a difference.
Spiderwebs - OOPS, somewhere I saw you folks talking about killing spiders, and I somehow changed that to spider webs as the targets.
mea culpa,
Not your fault were just a rather confusing group. Many years ago they started calling the X we shoot at. A four-legged spider. Now why do we shoot it four-legged spiders think the eight legged ones are too fast.