Being brand new to percussion locks and using one on my table gun I'm trying to get a handle on how long a nipple will last before it's worn out.
I'm using 416 stainless steel ones from Track of the Wolf so I assume they are good. How much should one allow the orfice to enlarge before replacing it? I understand as it enlarges it adversely affects velocity and accuracy.
I'm shooting 52 grains of 3F Swiss in a 40 cal rifle. Do you regularly replace it after so many shots or measure it and when it gets to a certain size replace it?
Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatlyappreciated.
Not being very wise I can only tell you that nipple life will vary. It is determined not only by the type, of which there are many, but the charge you are shooting, the type of steel it is made of and also the lock. Many locks have very stout main springs and will pound the snot out of a nipple while others will barely ignite a cap. One thing to watch for is blow back through the nipple which will raise the hammer after firing and indicates the nipple hole has enlarged. Comparing nipples that are new to those that have been fired for a while will also show a worn hole. I usually try to change them if the hole is more than 1/2 over its starting size. See you Saturday.
Thanks for the information. Luckily I have no problem with the top of the nipple, caps go on fine.
Will get out my number drill set and do a little measuring and see if I can establish a go - no go gauge for the bottom hole.
I use a .030 pin as a guage when the pin goes in the hole I replace the nipple.
Thanks, that gives me a starting point.
Based on the nipple that I have with a .026" diam. hole, a 50% increase in area would equal a .031 diameter hole.
You gentlemen are very much in agreement about when to change the nipple out.