Our local club, The Calusa Country Long Rifles, had an informal shooting session Saturday and we discussed table shooting. Don Steele and I have been communcating with Mark about table shooting events. Don went to Friendship, met and spent some time with Mark and Robin who gave him all the information on conducting a table shoot. Don shot the table shoot there and really enjoyed it. Don Steele and I gave the ones at our shoot an explaination of what table shooting is all about. The guys at our Saturday club shoot all said they were interested in trying table shooting.
Shooting slows down considerably here in Florida during the summer months because of the heat, humidity, and rainy weather. But the cold weather (mid-70's) will be here soon, the snow bird members will be returning from up north, and folks feel like getting out and doing some shooting. Consequently, we're going to set up a 30 yard range to the side of our other ranges, I'll build a couple of wooden pyramid rests and we'll see how many really want to give it a go. If it takes off, we'll build some of the kind of tables you guys use and try to have three tables and rests set up. Wish us luck.
Good to hear that Don had a good time, as we did meeting him, and that you're giving it a try. I think once the fellows try it it will take off. Keep us informed.