Today, May 2, 2014 is the first day for this board. I'd like to welcome anyone interested in muzzleloading target shooting from the person who is just beginning to think about taking up muzzle loading to that wily old veteran who's been shooting since the invention of gunpowder.
The intention of this board is to allow discussion about obviously target shooting with muzzleloading rifles, shotguns, pistols, it is intended to be a place for exchange of ideas exchange of good information there is an area where you may post your shoot schedules and even an area that we can buy, sell and trade in.
I hope we can all have fun. This board was started specifically for target shooters. There are areas to discuss many different disciplines of muzzleloading shooting without regard to the type of action. Please be sure to check in with disciplines other than the one that you are particularly interested in. You may find a whole new world out there.
So come on in and join a discussion
Thank you
Last edited by MMprwarner (5/26/2014 6:11 AM)
Robin, well done!
hello,wayne jenkns here from the bluegrass state, eastern ky hills, glad to be on the site.
Hi Wayne,
Welcome to the site. I think we have met, somewhere in the past, at a shoot or a show. Look forward to having you aboard.
Hey Wayne glad to see you here. Welcome aboard
Robin, I'm looking foreward to your site and communicating with other target shooters. I do love shooting holes in paper. Lou
Hi Lou,
I am glad to deceided to look around and join us.
Michael Jay