I rekkon the FOOLS site is toast? ? ?
Yeah, when Roger died, he took the necessary passwords to manage the site with him. Since he couldn't monitor his site, they shut it down. Robin has enquired about getting it opened back up so that we could possibly at least read it and save any good stuff. But don't get your hopes up.
Yes the FOOLS site is still up HOWEVER the message board that accompanied it is gone. inquiry has been made but as mule ear said don't get hopes up.
do you have the website ? Google failed me.
very sorry to see it go used it foer years
Just a newbie jumping in here, but...
I >think< you can view the message board you are looking for (or at least a large part of it) by using the Internet Wayback Machine!
(Darn! I'm too new, I can't post links!)
The Wayback Machine is at: https :// archive .org /web/
Then searh for the URL that was the message board: http :// members .boardhost .com /PPPP/
You will find that it was archived several times. Probably the most recent archive is the most complete, but you'd have to poke around a bit to prove that.
It would be great if someone would download the board and post it somewhere that it can be preserved.
Good luck!