Well I had the chance to get some shooting in this afternoon and saw major improvement over my performance Saturday at the Hog Shoot. I went home regrouped and began going to work on my equipmment. I began to reshape my buttstock to better fit and went to the pyramid rear sight. Its seems these changes have paid off. Below is my six shot group. The wide left shot (#4) was my fault. But I am very pleased all in all. Hopefully I shoot this well in Pall Mall!
much better colton
keep up the good shooting.beware of pyramid sight biting you in the fall asleep even for a second and can get a 2 inch high or low so quick its npot funny.
glad to hear that you are taking wood rasp to stock and making it fit you.most shootewrs wkill not do will get more consiostant scores.good partis if you take too much off just glue a pice across top and refile.. paul did it all the time
Care to show us your sights, Colton? Sure would love to see 'em.