Ladies and gentlemen Yesterday I received an email from the national muzzle loading rifle Association informing me that the table shoot rules as we proposed them, have been accepted through the board of directors. This was our last hurdle.
I have copied and pasted them into this post. If you would like to have a printable version of the entire proposal, which contains the rules and shoot program information for spring and fall. You may go to the following website which you may copy and paste into your browser:
Rules for table shoots
2460-AIMING POINTS-All paper targets used in competition have a printed front side. This printed front side must be posted with the printing towards the competitor, and no other spotters or aiming points may be attached to the target face.
Exceptions: Slug gun targets may be posted backwards and small aiming points or circles may be drawn on the back side at the shooter’s option.
Chunk & Table gun targets must be posted with the printed side forward; however, a spotter or aiming point may be attached to the target face, at the shooter’s option
RIFLE LINE MATCHES-Are defined as all Slug Gun, Silhouette, Chunk Gun, Round Ball, Bench, Cross Sticks, Offhand and Table Shoot matches. (Pistol, Shotgun, Musket, and Primitive are covered in separate sections)
5400T-NUMBER OF SHOTS-The target is a white X on a black background (NMLRA SX) with one (1) shot per target fired for score. On each of three (3) targets. More than the required number of hits will be the same as Rule #10590
5410T- TABLE SHOOOT- RELAYS-The relays for this match will be 45 minutes in length, or as stated in the program.
5420T-SIGHTS Front Sights as per rule 5010. Rear sights must be of the following: open notch or peep sight. Peep sights may have an adjustable iris. However, it may not contain a system of lenses, including but not limited to color polarization or magnification. No tube sights. Adjustable rear sights will be allowed on the rifle but may not be adjusted after the competition begins.
5430T-TABLE RIFLE- The rifle may be either flint or percussion ignition, of either the traditional hunting or traditional target type, or as specified in the program, with no limit as to caliber. The rifle may not weigh than more than 13 pounds unloaded, including all apparatuses which will be on the rifle at the time of firing. The rifle may not be equipped with a false muzzle or rubber recoil pad.
5440T-SHOOTING POSITION- All shooters will use a common table or tables and seat provided by the range. The muzzle will be supported by a pyramid of 2X4s provided by range. The rest may be covered with no more than 2 layers of cloth or leather to protect finish of rifle. No double rest will be allowed, the rear portion of the rifle must be supported by the shooter
5450T-TARGET SCORING-The match will be scored by string measure. From the center of the X to the center of each shot hole, shortest total string measure wins.
5470T-PAPER SPOTTERS-Will be made by the shooter and may be of a size no larger than, 14” X 14”, any shape, or color. The spotters may be pinned, stapled, or taped to the target the way the competitor wishes.
5490T-TARGET DISTANCE-The targets will be hung at a distance of 30 yards in front of the firing line.
5500T- Cant blocks, Sand bags or other devices intended to stabilize the rifle; shooting mitts, shooting coats or wind reading devices will not be allowed.
5510T-SPOTTING SCOPES Are allowed & May be placed behind the loading area, and in a manner as not to interfere with other competitors, and may not be placed on the shooting table.
5520T-COACHING-of a competitor is not allowed in Table Shoot matches, in accordance with rule #5000
Please note that any rule number followed by the letter T the association will assign a permanent rule number for It, the match numbers will need to be assigned by the Association as well. All the verbiage has been accepted as is.
All-RIGHTY!! Let the games begin!
And we are off and running
Hot diggity dog!!
Now that the NMLRA has made us official, let's get things underway. Although it's early and the weather probably won't be very cooperative for a while, if you're interested in the postal match then let's do it. You can get your targets at; Follow the directions on the site and download the page of 6 targets. All the posted rules will apply and all targets must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2015. Be sure to complete all the info asked for on the targets and that all targets are identified as to the shooter. You might want to include both your real name, and address, as well as your handle and email. All targets entered should be shot in the same group of six, do not pick the best 6 out of 3 or 4 groups that you might shoot. All targets should be sent to me at; Mark Herman, 6033 McNaughten Grove Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43213 and include your $10 entry. Shooters are encouraged to be members of the forum but it is not a requirement to participate. Let's all get behind this and send a few dollars to some deserving charity. If there are any questions do not hesitate to contact me. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and new year.
I know that somewhere I saw some rules on the Traditional Hunter Class? 10 pound limit, side lock, open sights, provision for a ramrod but I can't find it? Where did it go?
Richard, if you will follow the link it will take you to where you seen the information which is contained in the proposal that was sent to and accepted by the Association
Is on page 3 of five and reads as followsMatch 247 Hunters Table Shoot Championship To be fired on T1 thru T6 between the Allen Coon Chunk Gun Range and the Youth Range. Practice targets available for $1.00 at the range - all match and aggregate targets must be purchased in the Clubhouse. No in-line action or sealed ignition, false muzzles, rubber recoil pads or Teflon patching are allowed. Weight: 10 pounds or less unloaded including all apparatuses which will be on the rifle at the time of firing. Rifle As per Rule 5630 (The ramrod need not be installed at the time of firing) Caliber: 50 or under. Sights per rule 5010 and 5020. Set triggers and Shaders are allowed. 3 shots, 1Shot on each of 3 targets shortest string measure wins. Shooter furnishes own sighters.
Thanks I knew it was around somewhere.
Sounds great.