Hi, just a quick howdy from Vicksburg (where the civil war was lost) Mississippi. I shoot offhand, crossticks and bench. Thanks for allowing me to join this fine group.
Welcome to the board from the great Hoosier state. I myself called Mississippi home for about three years. The wonderful garden spot of Gauiter down on the golf Coast hope you can give us some good input and find some wonderful information. However, I must ask you to be aware of the flying bovine excrement that occasionally finds itself here at any rate, we do have fun.
Howdy Ron, Glad to see you found us. Hope all are well at your house. I think you will like this site given your interest in bench and chunk. Be sure to watch for the first postal table shoot, it will be announced right after the first of the year. I still have that heavy underhammer chunker available and am a motivated seller if you want to make me an offer I can't refuse.
Welcome to this bunch selvinman!
Seems like you already know a few on here. Don't hold that against us!!
It's a fine group and so just join right in!!
Big John in the Kingdom of Callaway MO!