Well the next table shoots coming faster than I thought may 17. I plan to be there about 8: 30 table should be up and running by 9:00 AM
should be a great shoot and fine day. make sure you attend and bring your friends
Looking forward to seeing everyone again in two weeks. Might even kill a few spiders for a change.
Wish I was going to be there for the table shoot but for the last couple years I've gone to berryville, Arkansas to shoot with pat brain and that group (don't d very good) and have a good time. Hope to see you all at friendship
Dave C. And his flintlock
The Kentucky contingent looks like they're hanging around the grill.
Mark seems to be having a good time.
Now imagine that, this bunch desperados and that one young lady to kept them all in line.
Going to do it again Saturday, May 17 hope see you there.
Robin did it again, 1/2 hour before the shoot and the sky cleared. 15-16 shooters, includibg two teenage young ladies, and plenty of competition. A good time was had by everyone. Cime on out in June and see for yourself.
Good morningI want to try to get the results up with some numbers this evening. Hopefully, but in the meantime and think about thisthe Agg shook out like this.Bill Disbro came in first with a 2.7Mike Majeski was secondand Ron Boron was thirdWe had a bit of a hitch , caused little delay in getting scores out. Leonard and Lair. Both were not feeling very well. So I finished the scores up. Sorry about that guys we have improvements in line for the next time.By the way, let's keep Leonard and Lair in our thoughts and prayers. They work really hard for us. Be sure to tell them how much you appreciate them. Anytime you see them.My wonderful wife has consented to come tabulate scores for us in the future, which should speed things up a bit. I'll talk to you more later. Have a safe day.
The next table shoot at Allen Coons will be Saturday June 28, there is a Chunk gun match on Sunday June 29th this will be the Paul Griffth Memorial weekend be sure to come out have some fun.