I learned several things at 2014 Laughery Valley table shoot championship. First of all, it was a lot of fun, but on the more serious side, there were some things that we need to improve on one is we need to develop a flip shield, which easily attaches and detaches from the table for shooter protection. I really did not care for having to assign flintlock shooters to only the two end tables. That problem, I think we have nearly worked out. It did seem to go fairly fast. Of course, having 14 shooters on six tables surely did not slow anything up at all the urge to go from 6 to 10 shots is almost irresistible for me. However, I would like to open that up for discussion among those who either did attend or plan on attending in the future. Scoring and tabulation went very well. The prizes were well received. I think the feedback was very positive and the constructive criticism was well-founded. I would like to continue to have the large number of tables available as I believe the shoot will grow. We currently have four tables which have been donated 2 by Ken, 1 by Dan and 1 by Jim the other 2 tables used for mine.
At the 2015 shoot. I think we will continue with the plaques and money prizes. Dr. Fisher has graciously offered to have patches made for those who shoot under a 4 inch string at this particular shoot that would be based on a 10 shot match. I presume if it were held to a six shot match. It would be something less than that, say, 2.5 inch string. I think gestures like this will help make the shoot, very successful. I may be opening a box. I wished I had not here, but I certainly would look forward to some feedback and suggestions over the winter as I am currently planning to hold this shoot on a different date in 2015. August 22, which is a Sunday is the date that I currently have selected that would allow it to follow another table shoot, which would be on August 21 at the Allen Coon farm, which is just about an hour and 15 minutes away from friendship. Another thing I would like to get a little feedback on this I would like to keep this shoot joined up with the shoot at the Allen Coon farm. Maybe alternating every other year, which one is on Saturday or leave them the same. I really need to hear from the shooters on this. Anyway, I will quit boring you for now. Give it some thought and get back with me.
Yes, a shield would be a good idea. Some folks get twitchy when shooting downwind of a flinter. You might think about having a shield that is not attached to the table. That way it would accommodate both righties and southpaws. It could be as simple as having a pair of holes drilled into both sides of the table and having rods or dowels on the shield so you could just slip it in place on either side of any table. You just issue the shield to anyone shooting flint and let them install it on the table they use when it's their turn to shoot. Then it's never in the way of the others using that table. Somebody will improve on this, I'm sure.
The patch for 4" strings is a nice idea too. If it's 4" for a 10 shot match, it could be half that, 2" for a 5 shot match. If it's a 6 shot match, make it for 60% of 4", or 2.4". Simple to do the math. Just multiply 4" times .4 for 4 shot, .5 for 5 shot, .6 for 6 shot, and so on.
Someone will tell you why my math can't work. I'm no rocket scientist. I'm barely a buggy scientist.
Kermit since the good doctor is donating this of his own accord. I believe that we will let him choose the figures, that he desires. I don't think I'm going to include a mathematical calculation.