Hello everyone
Mrs. Warner says that we can start accepting registrations, for the Alvin c York shoot .23rd day of March 2019. You can go to the website and download the registration and follow the instructions. If anyone who is not on this board asked very soon we will be sending out cards and emails.
Looking forward to it Robin, are you planning on scheduling less rain?
Actually we've already placed the order for the weather. 0.75 mile an hour headwind, clear skies, with an average temperature of 73.4 degrees. However, we have found the weather to be more like a bad restaurant. Order what you want and take what you get.
How about temps in the low forties, constant rain and 6" of saturated mud to shoot in, can you ask for that ? I found my belly was less of an issue with the softer surface to lie on/in and I didn't overheat.
I think I've got an idea to facilitate your wishes. We will have the fire department, wet down just the area that you will use for your lay down. Then we will have an air conditioner to blow up your pants leg so you can freeze well you know. While the fire department's there, we can have them water hose on your lay down area while you're shooting so you can feel the rain. And just in case you'd like a little thunderstorm maybe we could give the guy beside you a stun gun so you can feel the lightning every now and again. Please give me funny you notice it may take awhile to set that up for you.
No need to go to all that trouble, 2018 conditions were fabulous, just keep it the same .