We had a great day of shooting today, with 13 shooters from Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky. The food cooked by Steve and his wife was excellent, and the weather, if a little muggy (its August, after all) held throughout the whole match even though it looked dubious at the start. Thanks to everyone who came; it is always a real honor and privilege to have you all shoot at our range! Steve was Match Leader and RO, while Jeanette and I scored.
Best X prize was a full silver dollar donated by Archie H., and it went to Bill D. with a perfect X nominally measured at 0.0023"! Don R. was just a literal hair off of that with a 0.0025". I love to see these kinds of X's, but they are difficult to measure!
As the Best X might indicate, the competition was brutal. I am just going to list the top top 10, to show how close and tight folks were shooting today.
Don R. 2.3195
Bill D. 2.7443
Sterling M. 3.0555
Carl K. 3.2180
Ken L. 3.2590
Dave C. 3.3580
Bo C. 3.7445
Bob G. 3.8140
Jerry B. 4.6270
Archie H. 5.9140
It is something else to see these kinds of strings coming in -- everyone should be proud!
We also tried a little experimental side competition, a one shot match at 50 yards. The winner of that was Ken L. with a lopsided spider, with Don R.'s shot right behind him almost touching. 5 shooters turned in legitimate targets even though we just sprang the idea on them at the beginning of the main match and only had one practice shot! Thanks to everyone for helping us work out the feasibility and for participating. We are interested in participants' feedback on 50 yard matches, either to have them in addition to the main 25 yard match or perhaps an occasional 10 shot match.
As always, feedback welcome!
As usual had a great time. Great shooters were there. Always like to see this type of competition. Big thanks to all that help put the shoot on and the food. Congratulations to all the shooters.
Really enjoyed the 50 yard match. Course it was nice to get lucky and win it. I was thinking we could try it again but make it a 3 shot match. Best Agg takes all. Might try it at our Moorehead shoot. Would to hear from others thoughts on it?
Sounds to me like you boys have got it all together. Great shooting, good friends and good weather. Can't ask for much more. Hope to make it down some time.
First 50 yard table match winner, ever, that I know of .
I guess one possibility is a 50 yard 3 shot/one target match, like some of the chunk matches at Friendship... Given our range configuration for 50yards, too many relays might add too much time? Also adds time scoring. Maybe, best of three shots takes all to keep it simple and efficient when done as side match? Just thinking. Your range may be different enough to change things, too.
Practically, it really helped us feel less rushed finishing up scores, also, while giving the shooters something fun to do, and everyone did fine given the circumstances and seemed to enjoy themselves with it.
Some of us have if together, but it ain't me! It is just a great group of shooters who always seem to have fun while pushing each other mercilessly.
We look forward to seeing you.
Just want to add my thanks and compliments to the crew at Bryan Station Muzzleloaders that puts on the table shoot.
The food and conversation is always excellent, the range and the atmosphere makes for a great place to shoot and the folks that show up to shoot are first class. I haven't been to a shoot yet any where so far where there was anything but good folks to shoot with.
The shooters that showed up Saturday were in my humble opinion the best of the best as table shooters go. As can be seen by the scores everybody rose to the challenge and all had a good time doing it.
I'm looking forward to the next shoot in October.
The 50 yard match was fun and well worth doing again. Will put a 50 yard spotter in the shooting box and be ready the next time.
Thanks again,
Last edited by cking (8/07/2016 8:01 PM)