Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
The following remarks are not intended to be offensive to anyone, nor are they directed that any individual they are just concerns that have come mostly because the table game be in its infancy is experiencing growing pains. We are coming closer to friendship and having our first sanctioned match on national level, several questions have been coming up and I don't know about the other clubs but I keep hearing tidbits about how people would improve their equipment to gain an advantage table shoot far be it from me to be one to stifle innovation. However, when you are thinking about what you can add to your equipment to do this. I would like for you to keep the following in mind. I may have made an error in choosing my words in calling one of the matches and open class. This was not my intent to mean anything goes, in all sports. The term open or unlimited, etc. still have their limitations and I offer the following quotes as to what the founders Paul Griffith and I were thinking as the table shoot was set up.
"First & foremost it must be stated that as we set up guidelines & equipment for this possible form of shooting our motives are dictated by the directions that we have seen other forms of competition go. We are trying desperately to have a ground work that will keep this game from turning into an equipment race." P.C.G. 10/12/12 as posted on FOOLS board
"It is the intent of the founders of this discipline. To not have continuing equipment modifications to find an advantage in the contest" P.R.W. 01/15/13 from original guideline book.
I think most of the people who are running local club shoots are now or will soon be, using the national muzzle loading rifle Association accepted rules and I hope this will serve as well. Our newest addition is a gentleman from Georgia who calls yesterday (who is not a computer type person) asking for guidance on how to build the tables and other such equipment and where he might receive the rules; oh yes, there are already in the mail.
The shoot was set up on a multipronged approach to keep older shooters shooting facilitate some of their needs to facilitate those who may have physical challenges for reasons other than age, but also to draw new shooters in. A continuing equipment race will only serve to intimidate new shooters and I fear that would severely limit the growth of our discipline. This was one of the inspiring reasons for the Hunter class to be added on at friendship. Although most have welcomed that concept. A few have been somewhat resistant like we said about the whole thing all along. They should really try it. Also, when the equipment has been setup, at the range for all shooters to use. For one shooter to make adjustments to it, other than to the seat in the pyramid rest would seem unsportsmanlike, to me. I’m sorry I just couldn’t think of a better way to say that.
Feedback please
Thanks for listening, reading what everyone call it. And thanks to all those all over who are trying this discipline and having fun Merrill Deer once said, do not let the shooting, get in the way of having fun.
On a side note, there seem to be some confusion about the Wayne Jenkins Memorial shoot that will be held in Morehead, Kentucky somehow a rumor got started that it would be held on an open sights or Hunter gun only I have checked with Ken, who will be running the shoot and had a couple of members of the Kentucky court of long rifleman check and it will be an open gun contest.
Just a question, at Friendship this year will the Hunter class be a open sight only? Where a off hand rifle be the norm?
I don't have a table gun or a bench gun, I use my rifles for hunting and off hand shooting. I would like to try my luck at Friendship though.
Yes the Hunter class will be open sights only however you may shaders over them peep sights will not be allowed in that particular class. You may also shoot in the open class with your hunter class gun because it still meets all the criteria.
Any time that you have competition there is always going to be people that will push the rules. That's just human nature somebody is allways going to try to tip the scales in their favor just have to watch carefully and stick to the rules as much as possible or how ever the guy running the match interpets the rules?
One problem that we have had locally is the Hunter class with the 50 cal and ten pound limit. There are a lot of guys and gals that shoot a type of woods walk at scrap iron out here in our neck of the woods. These are Hunting type rifles as defined by their rules and most are 54 cal and over 10 pounds. Some are bigger than that bigger ball bigger clang I guess? Looks like a waste of lead to me as a hit is a hit and scores the same but it is what several people have to shoot and I'm not going to turn these people away but make the fact known that if they go somewhere else or to the Nationals then they will not be allowed to shoot in the Hunter class. Of course they could shoot in the Open class but most will not as they feel that there is an unfair advantage of the Open class guys with the fancy peep sights.
Just my thoughts for what they are worth.
Last edited by rhbrink (5/20/2015 8:00 AM)
You have chosen the path that I have tried to encourage in order to draw attendance at your local shoots you will have to adapt in your case to larger caliber heavier rifles and thank you for letting your shooters know that that may well not be the case in other places. It is about having good fun, good competition and good fellowship. As I reflect on some of the things that are tried. I actually think it's a wonderful thing that are happening at this point in the game's history, we can go ahead and get these items out of the way so that in a very short time, we can kind of go on cruise control. I don't believe that anyone really has any ill intent. I think it's just a competitive nature that most or all of us have. I am just very thankful that items can be handled as ladies and gentlemen should handle them. Thanks for all your support. In fact, thank all of you.
I for one , am making an effert to get out of the box (shooting box) and into the bag for these table shoots. I like the idea of only having to carry my rifle, shooting bag and powder horn to the loading bench. What I can't get into the bag I'll suff into my pockets. My steel loading rod and spotter will be the only thing extra to carry. I'm shooting a tennessee style flintlock rifle in .40 cal. at these table shoots. It weights in at just under 12 lbs. Your humble servant.