With the shooting season slowing down some of us getting ready to snuggle in for the winter building new guns, planning shoots for next year. And of course, talking on the message boards. I would like to thank a group of people, starting with all the shooters that have participated in the table shoots. Please if I leave anyone out here do not take offense. So many people have had lent a helping hand, but here we go. I will try to get as many as I can. My undying thanks to Allan and Julia Coon, who have been ever so patient and allowing the use of their range. Mark Herman & Wayne Jenkins, who have been wonderful sounding boards. Ken Lutzs , Dan Bates & Jim Franks who have donated tables to get the sanctioned table shoots started at friendship. To my son Mitch , for helping get things set up. And last but most certainly not least, my lovely bride Londean who has had to tolerate me through the whole thing. We still have a ways to go to the finish line, but it seems as if we will be a success, especially with people like Ken, Dan, Page and now it looks like big John is going to try to start a shoot out his direction. Once again, if I forgot anybody. Please accept my apologies.
Last edited by MMprwarner (10/14/2014 5:55 PM)
Your mighty welcome. But your the one we need to thank.
Evrry train needs an engineer to drive it and I think everyone will agree that you have this one moving down the right track.