Those of you who were involved with the table shoot at spring shoot this could prove to be a bit of old news for those of you who were not involved. This might be just the tidbit interesting. Just like in the spring, the tables will be set up, beginning Saturday, September 13 in the a.m. the contest will run through Saturday September 20 at noon this is an unsanctioned shoot (hopefully, our last) to raise funds for Memorial to be set at the chunk gun (with any luck, soon to be the chunk gun table line)
The way we play is as follows. We will use the current open table gun rules. If you have any questions, contact me. It will be a reentry, each entry will consist of three separate targets the cost of being three dollars. The string measurement of three targets will determine your score. The top three places will receive one 1/2 of the total income to be divided amongst them at 50%, 25 %, 15 % with 10% going to the best single X. The other 1/2, going into the Memorial fund.
We had a lot of fun with this last time and it was not advertised. We are going to do some advertising this time, the game being open at times and I am not personally on the range will be up to the range officer on duty. I think most all of the range officers that we have on that line will be interested in helping us out anybody would like stop by at your convenience and help score targets it would most certainly be appreciated. Since this is an unsanctioned shoot the targets do not go to the scoring house. Once again, if you have any questions. Private message me email me or call me. I'm sure that smokinbuck or ken would be glad to try to field your questions as well. Oh, just thought of this. The Association has been very tolerant to let us do this. Therefore, we do ask that all participants be registered shooters.