I see that candle Sunffer down in the over the log section is working up a dual-purpose gun. I think this'll be really cool. He said his gun was weighing in right at 12 7/8 pounds. I posted this down. There for Him, I thought this might be good information for all of us.
I have noticed that some of the guys are trying to build their table rifles right as close to 13 pounds as they possibly can, which is an idea that I have absolutely no issue with. I was talking to a friend on a way to shoot last week about this very subject, scales, will differ just a little bit and it depends on the type of scale that that particular range uses, I know my table rifle weizen right at 12.6 when I was over at death when it weighed in at about 12.5 . It will be interesting as the game grows to see how much difference between scales, there are. So you may want to leave yourself a bit of room on the table game. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to post this up in the table. Section to I think it would be good information for those whom are trying to get into. Gotta go for now. Talk to you later